Hi all,
This board was created to help players (like myself) convert from a weak-tight ABC poker player to a much more aggressive player.
A little about me, and what I'm hoping to get out of this series:
I've been playing poker casually since college. I found strategy boards years ago, but never really took it seriously. I also work a 9-6 type job, so I can only get in a limited number of hands. That said, in the last year or so I've been trying to really focus on becoming a better player. I've mostly been playing break-even, or a little bit above breakeven, and making my money from rakeback

I'm pretty comfortable with preflop and flop play. I would say my biggest weaknesses are:
- folding too much on the turn/river vs. aggressive opponents when I have a marginal holding
- not winning enough small pots
- very poor at adjusting to loose villains who don't fold the flop and bluff later streets
(pfr/cbetting into loose villain and check/folding too many turns and rivers)
I open quite a few hands, and my usual stats are something like 22/14
I will try to put up a 30-40min video once a week, and look for feedback. Reading through the forums and talking with stronger players has helped my game, but I feel that when you are left on your own you can slip back into common mistakes that you might not make otherwise.
So, here we go:
Video #1 -
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SRWRD7T5(you have to type in the letters at the top-right of the screen to download)
Please leave comments on hands, and the appropriate time in the video when it happens. You'll need the TSCC codec to view these (keeps the files nice and small)
It is available here:
http://download.techsmith.com/tscc/tscc.exeMy first comment on the video is that I think I should have called the weak river bet with my pair of 7's early in the video

I was just setting up recording and made a fold without thinking about it too much.