About us / News

What is Handcrawler

Handcrawler is a spider that crawls poker strategy web sites and seeks out hand histories. These hand histories are indexed and analyzed.

The analysis provides us with how the hand was played, and lets the user search on these criteria.

For example, you can tell Handcrawler that you want to see all hands where you open with AT preflop, bet the flop with top pair, and are raised. Useful? I think so.

We are open to hearing about new statistics you'd like to see.

Note that we are still in a Beta type mode. I will be monitoring the traffic and bug hunting for several weeks.

Latest News

February 01, 2010

Help Us Bug-Test Please let us know as you discover problems with the system. Known issues:

Feature Suggestions If you have ideas on how to improve the sytem, let us know. In the works:


Friends of Handcrawler

Interested in partnering with Handcrawler? We are open to advertising, revenue sharing, and other general business development.